St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Westfield, New York


Join us for in-person worship Sundays at 10 a.m. Coffee hour follows.

Our mission: Follow Christ and reach out to others so they can know the love of God while being a safe, non-reactive community of healing and spiritual growth.

We welcome you to this church, our worship, and parish life. Please know that whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your faith journey, there is a place for you here at St. Peter's. Our collective body comes from various backgrounds and theologies, whether believers or seekers. St. Peter's parishioners affirm the paths we've each undertaken to live out Christ's mission in a complicated world. We invite you to join us and experience what we're about for yourself whether you're visiting the area or seeking a church home.

Tell me about the Episcopal Church:

Explore and discover The Episcopal Church's website. Our local Dioceses website may also interest you. Or, just come and visit us at St. Peter's for a service, program, or activity. We look forward to meeting you!